Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Hey, ya'll!

Well, I'm sitting in a youth hostel in Oxford, England, despite the fact that we should be on a plane home right now. We're scheduled to leave on Sunday, though, so please pray that we will experience no further delays. This will certainly be the most memorable and exciting Great Britain/France tour in CHS history--a 15 day trip turned to a 20 day trip with valcanoes and ash and broken coaches thrown in. But we'll certainly manage.

-No further delays
-The arrival of and arrangements for medicines for those who need it
-Paitience on the part of everyone
-Calmed worries for those who are nervous

-That we have a plane that's scheduled to fly out
-For such gracious teachers and chaparones who are putting up with us and making all sorts of arrangements
-For the host families who are willing to take us on so unexpectedly

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